Reporter Lu Ming Luo Xi intern fresh

WASHINGTON addict's residence when police conduct inspections, accidentally discovered one hundred thousand yuan counterfeit money. Recently, found guilty of the crime of possession of counterfeit money, Beibei District, Chen was sentenced to three and a half court and fined 20,000 yuan.

Court reports, Chen, who lives in Beibei, he did a proper job, but also drugs. In early August last year,moncler milano, Chen and friends drove back from Shenzhen Beibei after a farmhouse in the neighborhood of Villa live down. Chen is a result of informed drug addicts, local police dispatched police to his residence to implement checks. During the inspections,, the police accidentally discovered a bunch of brand new hundred dollar bill. After identification, these are the HD90 version of counterfeit money, a total of 100,moncler piumini,000 yuan.

Chen explained the source of this pile of counterfeit money: a friend in Shenzhen, said there is urgent need to he borrowed 10,000 yuan, while giving 100,,moncler milano,000 yuan of counterfeit money to show their gratitude.

It is the largest amount of counterfeit money HD90 city currently holds the judgment of the case,abercrombie pas cher.

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Bought 70 sets of counterfeit banknote

Last March, in Quanzhou,hollister outlet, Fujian,mulberry sale, Hubei Tianmen Zoumou price of 15 yuan each,outlet moncler, from the hands of a strange man bought HD90 counterfeit version 70. Last October,moncler outlet online, he sneaked into the city Qianjiang District Pengjiang town to buy cigarettes in the name of vice establishments in multiple sets with counterfeit money for real currency. Last October 24, he was captured by the spot in the use of counterfeit money. January of this year, Zou jailed for possession of counterfeit money using detention for three months and fined 10,000 yuan.

HD90 counterfeit currency with a large number of shopping

Last April 22,,piumini woolrich, Dao County,, Hunan a gang of 10 people came to Chongqing, using HD90 counterfeit version in the Liberation Monument,, Nanping,, Yudong,, yangjiaping, Foreigner Street and other high traffic shops. Last May 10,air max pas cher, the group revealed the secret at the Golden Eagle Ladies jiefangbei use counterfeit money. When police searched the house from the group's lease seized 100 yuan face value of the counterfeit 137 HD90 version.

Last October 13, the court in order to use counterfeit money crimes,moncler milano,, for members of the group were sentenced to six months and a fine of 10,nike tn,000 yuan.

Reporter Lu Ming Luo Xi intern fresh