more and talk less

Ocean water village town two days ago a 31 year old mentally ill mood unusual, out of control, on the 13th 18 am brutally biological father with a kitchen knife to cut off the head, and stripped of their clothes. The police hunt for the mentally ill in the process of falling from the top of a water tower, after the hospital died. Previously, the patient had also attacked his brother with a knife, causing his brother's arms, thighs two stab wounds. Experts call,, when the discovery of mental patients have a tendency to violence and attacks, should take measures to control the hospital as soon as possible.

Newspaper reporter Lee domain photo coverage

Qionghai edge mentally ill father

Incident experts called Ocean Township, found mental patients have a tendency to violence and attacks, the time should be controlled after hospital treatment

Lovelorn young men become depressed crazy

Young people suffering from mental illness and violent tendencies called Shi Rui, Yang Wen town village water village. He is little known in the area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine Shiliang Jun three sons in third. 2007, Shi sharp fall in love with a girl in town working Chengmai. They love the past year,, followed by the girl to leave quietly, no news.

"The girl had gone, my son depressed all day. Slowly, more and talk less, do not dry workers, becoming insane." Shi Rui's mother in tears, told reporters. Shi Rui mental disorder symptoms, parents once sent him to the town of Qionghai Wanquan psychiatric hospital for treatment.

July 12 evening, Rui Shi behavior appeared unusual. Shi Rui mother said 20 days ago Shi Rui and his current wife after a fight back to her family, this may be an incentive. Rui Shi refused to eat these days, can not lie to him to eat a quiet dinner by the drug.

Shi Rui's second uncle came to persuade the evening of 12 when Rui Shi, Shi Rui has revealed violent tendencies, Shi Rui and stripped their clothes,air max pas cher homme, walking around naked in the room.

Family and the police to persuade the patient invalid

13 am, Shi Rui locked himself in the room,moncler online outlet, who advised not come out. Rui Shi's family requests emotional control freak alarm Shi Rui.

Multi-day 10:00, the police came to the Shi family, trying to control Shi Rui. Police used sticks to Shi Rui locked door open, the room did not find Shi Rui. At the moment Shi Rui brother into the room to find, hiding in the closet of Shi Li Rui suddenly rushed out,, holding a fruit knife to hack meal brother,louboutin soldes, causing his brother left arm, left thigh injury.

After Big Brother Shi Rui was stabbed in the presence of police see the serious situation,,piumini outlet, the side with the door locked locks, a report for the superiors. At the moment, Shi Rui's family to take extraordinary measures to help the police as soon as possible to control Shi Rui,nike air max pas cher, in order to avoid the recurrence of accidents.

The police did not listen to his family control patients

Tayang station director Zhang Yun weight,doudoune moncler pas cher, said, "At that time the family requests use a tranquilizer gun after our report, Bureau instructed tranquilizer gun can only be used for animals, not for people." Subsequently, the police called the family to prepare the drug, the drug stir in the water, ready to eat when Shi Rui drink.

. "We did a few hours of work, but it did not work," Director Zhang said, "17:00 more, he brother came back from the outside, saying: nothing he will not beat you to go back, something to call again. to you. "

Patients sprang father cut off the head room

Shortly after the police withdrew, Shi Rui around at 17:00 on the 13th suddenly smashed the door sprang room. Shi Rui mother rushed to the police after the discovery.

Waiting for the police came, Shi Rui has got a kitchen knife to kill his father Shiliang Jun few dozen meters away from their home betel nut garden. Moreover, Shi sharp cut off his father's head and brought his father's clothes stripped. "After his murder, throwing knives at the scene." Uncle Shihai Xiong Rui Shi said.

"His dad likes betel garden walks. Shi Rui betel garden is to go find his dad." Shihai Xiong said. According to reports, the father of Shiliang Jun Shi Rui 71 years old this year, his early years in a Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM read six years, specializes in the treatment of incurable diseases. Son told reporters that his father is well known medicine, medicine is better than a lot of patients. On the treatment room wall, hung a red banner sent two patients.

Police rounded up vigorously patients died falling

After the 13th night, get Shi Rui kill the biological father of the message, Qionghai Public Security Bureau led by Secretary Liu Zhi,air jordan 4 pas cher, dispatched a large number of police rounded up.

After rounding, the police found Shi Rui in at 23:00 on the 13th. But according to police, Shi sharp fall from a height,hogan scarpe outlet online, shortly after the hospital died.

"At that time he was seen hiding in a nearby village on the water tower. Did not wait up, he fell down, but taken to the hospital after the dead, it is estimated that injury to internal organs." Qionghai police said. At 3:00 on the 14th and more, the family received a police notice Rui Shi, Shi Rui has died.

Expert: long-term treatment should be hospitalized as soon as possible

Director of the Psychiatric Hospital, Dr Linda Fu Ning Hainan explains Shi Rui typical of "paranoia type" mental patient. When he was with morbid speculation when someone is persecuting him for morbid "self-defense" mentality,hogan outlet italia, he is very likely to attack others. He attacked the biological father, is this paranoia psychological embodies.

Dr. Lin said, "For the mentally ill, especially the mentally ill have been violent language persuasion does not work the only way is to use all the means that can be used, including electric shocks, bundling, forced to obey. Once the patient control,, professional psychiatric hospital as soon as possible to send a positive and effective treatment to help them recover as quickly as possible. "

Lawyers say

Guardian should be sent to hospitalized patients

For questions involved in this case, Beijing Dacheng Law Firm Haikou Branch Zhu Shengtao lawyer believes that because of mental patients at the onset of no capacity for civil conduct,basket nike tn requin, the first problem is to set a guardian for mental patients, parents or guardians first husband, Rui Shi case their parents or guardians should be his wife. The second is when the onset of a mental patient should be promptly sent to a regular psychiatric treatment,outlet moncler online, so the results should not have happened; case during the acute onset of facilities, particularly consecutive period without medication do not eat, violence Shi Rui When the tendency to rise, should be promptly sent to hospital for psychiatric treatment, Shi Rui's father, a well known medicine old doctor, should be more clear, but unfortunately, Shi Rui relatives did not make a timely decision to Shi Rui sent to control psychiatric hospital for treatment. The third is the onset of mental patients during the crime, according to the relevant provisions of the criminal law,, from criminal punishment, in this case Shi Rui kill his father, and later died in the fall,, has no problem with criminal penalties. In addition, in more rural areas is that the mentally ill money for treatment of poor farm problem, a patient so the family back into poverty,hogan rebel,, it is difficult to solve the problem before, there are many places to implement the rural cooperative medical care, relatively reducing the patient's family burden.