both want to make students better accept

Information Times (reporter Yan high technology), "76-year High School teacher Li microblogging campus blackboard written form,woolrich outlet online italia, is simply too talented, mankind has not stop microblogging friends." Recently, netizens' 76 break things children "posted on Sina Weibo. The message is then more than friends concern and forwarding. Some netizens praised the "creative", but also friends regret to say:. "Even then may not have microblogging envy you ah."

Female teacher of creative microblogging poster

At noon the day before yesterday,louboutin pas cher, the reporter arrived at the Haizhu Jiangnanxi near 76. In the senior grade school teaching fifth floor corridor saw the way home using the microblogging design blackboard. Blackboard top that says "there is nothing new to tell you?" And then occupy a large area of ​​a box blackboard. Here is the box the word "expression", "music", etc.,woolrich,, as well as in the sidebar at the "concern", "fans", "comment", "@ to my", "collection",piumini moncler outlet, etc., if that is a microblogging interface .

During the interview, the students told reporters that this is a group of senior grade teacher prefect Li creation,moncler uomo outlet, "the teacher will often write some of the above things you want us to do, and to encourage us,, as we wish like words. Really like this teacher kinds of forms of communication, very popular with us. "sophomore (two), the students told reporters.

Intends to increase the blackboard newspaper comment sections

See a reporter visited, the name was born in 1980 in straight teacher said, "I did not expect," "totally did not expect after the blackboard after students sent to microblogging Sina microblogging attracted wide attention."

Li teaches sophomore language lessons,air max pas cher femme, talking blackboard microblogging creativity,, she said: "I found that high pressure gradually increases sophomore to learn, so want them relaxed, happy to learn, so think of it that way. And I think, in teaching and students need more communication. found after 90 students were very interested in microblogging,, often talked about. heard that I did not open microblogging,, students apply and let me add me as a friend. I wanted to open an online, but worried that students often Internet affect learning,, so he decided to change the past blackboard monotonous,talon louboutin pas cher,, rigid form, in the form of micro-Bo,basket nike tn, and ask students to help me design blackboard microblogging page. "

Blackboard microblogging general release some dynamic information and learn about, such as what time the monthly exam, school activities, which will also send some teachers insights and inspirational words. "Often made a micro-Bo,woolrich outlet roma, I need to think about half an hour,woolrich outlet, both want to make students better accept, but also thinking about how to guide students to actively and effectively."

Now the contents of blackboard on Thanksgiving, from a parent's message. "The day to say thanks to my parents to send information to take care of the child, I was very moved after watching So you think to guide students to learn to be grateful,woolrich sito ufficiale, and thank the students for our understanding and support. Below the mixed feelings that day I wanted to in on the blackboard for the students, said: 'I love you friends',woolrich parka donna,, but I thought so too straightforward, so they were modified, "Li says that after this blackboard intend to increase students' comments section, so that the students themselves. write to encourage students to speak their minds.