before the rainy season this year

Gong Zheng told reporters correspondent Wei Mingjun

The catch a repair houses before the rainy season, who knows a ho down, actually makes a dusty underground Great Wall brick bright future for hundreds of years. This is what took place in the town of Huairou Bohai field cents Village. Yesterday,hogan rebel, the reporter arrived here to find out.

Wall tiles accidentally discovered digging

Discovery of ancient kilns of farmers Dugui Hong Tian Xian Village. I heard an interview with us, she was open to talking about, talking about this unexpected discovery.

Dugui Hong house behind the house, there will be mud whenever it rains down collapse phenomenon, threatening the safety of buildings. For this reason, before the rainy season this year,,chaussure air jordan, the family of a discussion,, ready assembled high retaining wall to load. Contractors who want, when excavation foundation, accidentally found some great wall debris.

Reporters came to the high retaining wall below pointing to,louboutin soldes, "You see, this is my home from the hole dug those Wall debris." Hostess finger along the direction of a look, and sure enough, dilapidated brick Wall about 78 ten much.

The gray mottled brick keep the signs of aging, but still can see, the shape of the Ming Great Wall with the existing brick no different. More have been broken bricks, more complete long or more than 30 cm,, on the scale one, said nearly 40 pounds.

Preliminary findings of Huairou District, the cultural relics department,AIR max pas cher, but also that this brought to light the ancient kilns, and indeed the year for the construction of the Great Wall and the Ming made.

Multi-kiln ruins village

Dugui Hong ancient brick house discovered the Great Wall, both belong to the accident and reasonable. 56-year-old Tian Xian Village Head Liufu Yong said that in the village, just his brick ruins of the ancient Great Wall,, known no less sixty-seven.

Early Huairou District, the cultural relics department of cultural relics census, the Village in the Tian Xian to see a lot of bricks engraved with the age and the other in the camp, such as "Wanli five Tong create", "Wanli five Ningxia create", "River create between the words "," Shenyang spring camp right part two face to face anti-create "and so on.

Yuehua Jian,, Liu Fuyong with a reporter and his party went to the village southeast of a place called the Taoyuan, here are a waterlogged lowland. "From the surrounding environment, here supposed to be a Takaoka yellow earth, because open dug brick kiln, gradually turned into a depression now." Liu Fuyong said.

Despite the rain,abbigliamento peuterey uomo, or a few days ago,nike tn 2014, but the yellow land area, and how much some muddy. Looking at the front of the terraces,peuterey 2013, Liu Fuyong recalled that the last time the mid-1970s the "learn from Dazhai, land leveling Assembly war",louboutin pas cher homme, he dug up a lot with the Great Wall bricks look like bricks, some can have was shipped home in the village, while those broken bricks are local materials, base of the dam order.

Tian Xian Village 76-year-old Shao Liang also told reporters about that Tian Xian Village in the foothills of the mountains, there are dozens of different sizes of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall brick kilns. He said the small,abercrombie kids, mountain village had seen a lot of toe discernible outline the Ming Dynasty Great Wall brick kilns,, but also dig played hide and seek. Elderly vaguely remember: Here's the big kiln height of about four meters,, a small kiln for about three meters high. 3 meters in diameter and two meters. A large kiln firing 3000 Wall tiles can be a small kiln can be fired once the Great Wall bricks 2000.

Wall tiles is how to "refining" into the

Great baked brick is how it? Middle period of the eighties of the last century, has been involved in the renovation of Mutianyu Great Wall old Wang Yongming said kiln is first necessary to do the brick into the kiln, and then closed kilns, then began firing, if using firewood,woolrich outlet italia, general To burn four days, and if burning coal burned for five days. Until the bricks and bake them thoroughly so far, or brick heart children is soft, not strong.

Kiln flue blocked by one process but also in different directions until the top of each stack showing a red color. Finally, kiln workers but also from the kiln top watering,louboutin, so full of brick kiln slowly turned from red to blue.

Wall brick kiln burned with where

According to historical records: Mutianyu, nock in the vicinity of the Great Wall is the early Ming emperor in the hands of General Xu Da Qi Great Wall built from the ruins of the Governor. Ming Yongle years (AD 1404) to build "Mutianyu off." Khanh three years (AD 1569),mulberry, Tan Lun, while guarding Jing Qi Jiguang side, but also to be repaired on the basis of the early Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Huairou cultural workers explained that these data can be roughly determined by Tian Houxianyu Great Wall brick kilns are fired,, mostly used in the vicinity of the Mutianyu Great Wall repairs to the nock.