
December 13,http://www.vacation-denmark.co.uk/cgi-bin/links/add.cgi, 1937, Nanjing fell to the Japanese invasion of China,mulberry sale shop, began tragic massacre. In fact,moncler outlet italia, the Japanese from mid-August 1937,louboutin homme pas cher,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/search.cgi, began a bombing in Nanjing. For a long time, historical evidence left by the Japanese air raid in Nanjing, the vast majority of the loss report from the Chinese side,louboutin homme pas cher, the survivors dictation, as well as the Japanese Army Air Force and Navy air combat reports, photographs very rare. Yesterday,http://lt.szdiyibo.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=44134,hogan 2014,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=239%3C/a%3E, the Nanjing Massacre Research Association Zoran Hu said he is currently found a few previously undiscovered Japanese air attack from Nanjing photos.

"Japanese bombing PuKou riverbank"

Zoran Hu told reporters after, one of the few historians found several photos reflect the Japanese air raid in Nanjing, Nanjing,hogan outlet milano, most of the streets after the bombing of the vision and architecture,http://xdfc.7336999.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2795919,piumino woolrich, this he gathered four historical photos, to a certain extent fill the historical gap.

Two of reflecting the October 19, 1937 Japanese planes dropped bombs fell Pukou District riverbank, smoke rises historical photos instantly, the explanation is: "October 19, the capital of the enemy flying bombing in Pukou river,http://www.ai-hsin.com/diary-note1023/apeboard_plus.cgi/, after the bomb spread along the circumstances,abercrombie magasin france, "" bomb far Pukou riverbank,nike tn, without the loss of the military authorities, however innocent civilians suffer carry on. "

"It was Pukou shore transportation powerhouse, the bustling commercial,giubbotti woolrich, residential intensive,http://blog.ingridnewkirk.com/movabletype/mt-search.cgi, Japanese planes raid openly in Pukou riverbank." Hu said Zoran.

The bombing of innocent civilians were photographed

Hu Zoran collected another two photos,http://www.worley.com, which are after "bombing of innocent civilians in Nanjing national government road" and Nanjing in Jiangsu Bank suffered the bombing, leaving a crater on the wall close-range.

"Nanjing national government road bombing of innocent civilians," marked by "seats and group" photography. Reporters learned that I was with the group during the war photographers and painters,moncler, after the fall of Nanjing,woolrich outlet, to the south of Shandong continue to carry out propaganda war, in October 1938 he was appointed Director General Photographic Society in the rear had the photography exhibition.

Yesterday, Hu Zoran has already handed these photos Nanjing Pukou Civil Air Defense Office. Pukou Civil Air Defense Office said the encounter was the first time I saw the Japanese air raid PuKou historical photos, photo production will become civil defense education panels, for this fall's "civil defense propaganda into the community" activities to the year the Japanese bombing of crime , national defense education, suggesting that people not to forget national humiliation and vigilant.

Modern Express Reporter Mao Liping