
Hubei was moved to the Person of the Year candidate Rong, by handing out leaflets to maintain life in Chongqing, continue to beg 3B network alliance cheated initial fee

She was

She's 21 years old with his hands covered with calluses propped up a family;

She wanted to let the family business had no injuries on the day;

She worked hard, hard work, and it severely in the face of reality came a cropper;

She moved through the whole Hubei, who touched her?


They are a witness, a lawyer, a responsible person;

They each spoke, a sympathy, a tough;

They are defending a law, an interest;

Faced with her tears, how they can let go?

Chongqing Morning News reports May 11 of

Yesterday heavy rain outside did not proceed to Chengdu leaflets. She nest in old classmates bedroom, see the scenery outside the window.

To Chongqing 5 days,http://redye.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9545, and seeing everyone together activists have held back the money to leave, to Rong worried. To Rong only 21 years old, last year was named Jingzhou television as "Jingzhou good", but also "touched Hubei 2011 Person of the Year" candidate. Earlier this year,chaussure homme nike pas cher achat nike air max 1, she was eager to join the venture Kuba Technology Development Co., Ltd. "3B network alliance", found after being cheated forced to follow the company "to" do catering, but still failed. Today, the original franchise fee of more than 20,000 yuan a minute did not want to come back. "I'm a street vendor to earn some money, some good-hearted people for charity. Really not come back, I have no face to go home!"

She was touched by the year candidate in Hubei

Born in 1991 to Rong, home in Zhongxian. Because parents have been working in Hubei, she was born and raised in Warsaw will. And only on the Chengdu High School for six months, then dropped out because of his family was poor. December 2009, to Rong's brother suffered a serious car accident in Guangxi. In order to earn money to treat his brother to earn money Rong four removed.

In June 2011, came to Wuhan to Chengdu Business Administration Self reported a university college. Self every day and night to earn money to go to the night market street vendor. May in August of that year, suffering from cancer that do not want to drag her mother Yuan Shilan, resolutely away from home. Rong also to give up his studies and embark on journey to find the mother.

In that misfortune to Chengdu,woolrich parka luxury giacchetti woolrich, the Guangdong TV "Happy password" as she produced a show "Mama do not go home." In recording the scene, saw the exodus to Rong's mother to do so. And dutiful to Rong also touched many people, in December 2011, Jingzhou television named her "Jingzhou good",http://www.istdzone.com/bbs_exf/spam-maji-uzai-shine-shine-100shine-hontouni-shine.cgi, and recommend its candidate for the "Person of the Year 2011 in Hubei touched,adidas tunit chaussure de foot pas chere," the.

Meal contract nearly five thousand dollars less

To Rong said that after his story through a number of media reports, many well-meaning people give her donations. Most of the money for her brother and mother's treatment, and her own money to save a street vendor is ready to start, to improve the living conditions of the family.

This year in February, to Chengdu in the "renowned Chinese" column education channels, we can see on the "3B Network Alliance" project reports. "Said they designed for small entrepreneurs build business platform, no shops, no inventory, no large capital investment, no need networking knowledge." Favorable conditions are attracted her to bring 20,001 thousand, rushed Chongqing Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. with Kuba signed a cooperation book.

Back to Hubei, tens of thousands of copies were printed to Rong leaflets, hundreds of cards, four to conduct business. "I also spent 3000 yuan from the company into some sample results are missing half of the cargo." Struggling to support a month later, the Rong feel cheated. March 10, she arrived in Chongqing alone, ask for refund of expenses to no avail. The next day, to find the door again when Rong, met another man came to beg for money back. "The company determined not to refund, so we switched to catering." In order to reduce losses,http://www.fukushi-hiroba.com/magazine/cgi/talk/ftalk.cgi?res=219%,air max noir et blanche femme chaussures nike montant, was forced to change Rong signed the contract, "the cost of the contract is only 17,640 yuan, the company said the remaining money to buy raw materials used." Under the contract, the Rong to learn two items: Yo Yo balls and Hong Kong-style pretty drink, semester only a short four days. It was also during the study period, Rong has rights to the chat group things by the company found. Vice president of the company asked her to immediately dissolve the chat group.

For the rights of her leaflets in guanyinqiao

Contact the company repeatedly failed, once again with the same before being "3B Network Alliance" People get lied to Rong contact,nike air waffle trainer nike soldes femme, "We want to unite rights." After the 11th, to Chengdu and other 40 people have come to Beijing to find had "3B Network Alliance" ad units --- Educational Television aired. Under the authority of the higher authorities,recrutement mannequin abercrombie veste femme abercrombie, the company sent to Beijing to Chongqing Kuba negotiation. "Although they promised a full refund, but has been dragging."

To the 23-day Dragon Boat Festival this morning, together with Chongqing to Chengdu rights of many who are gone. Including two back of all charges, while others deduct the corresponding station fees and service charges,http://www.qiaobj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=15998, as well as 7-8 individuals only got half. Farewell to the station when the tears began to Rong spin in his eyes. "How would I did not get a penny ah? Is not bully me younger ah!" Can not bear to see the sad Rong, Zhang brother was about to leave and took out 900 dollars and handed her body. "Sisters, you leave to make the cost of living." To Rong said Zhang brother back to 1000 yuan this long (detained 4,000 yuan), "he left a 100 yuan when the tolls,air max 90 pas cher femme, the other gave me."

However, a strong Rong decided to stay to continue his activist path. She found a nearby guanyinqiao flyers job, did two days, earned tens of dollars for dinner. "Zhang brother gave the money can not be used indiscriminately, even after his return." In order to save lodging, found in Chongqing to Chengdu college high school classmates. After leaflets hair day, she went back to the hostel students, with the students crowded bed.

Red ditches, showing two agreements to Chengdu Science and Technology Development Co.,http://angel.kissweb.jp/sanctuary/flame/heart/apeboard.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=230/, Kuba signed with her. Chongqing Morning News reporter Wang Haishe

Chongqing Academy summer law firm lawyers believe: case report reflected if true,air max pas cher pour homme air max 1 2014, the event alleged fraud, the responsible person should bear civil or criminal liability.

Summer lawyers pointed out that such an invitation to join and disputes arising from the initial fee charged, although similar to the economic contract disputes, then its essence is not relying on Cooperation in the form of realization of the legitimate economic benefits, but in the joining fee charged to " Long-term stock "and other common excuses, various obstacles for victims,nike air max 24 7 air jordan pas cher femme, and ultimately achieve the purpose of obtaining illegal benefits.

China's "Contract Law" stipulates that in order to legitimate acts conceal illegitimate purposes shall be void. And join the contract between the companies belonging to the victim and the above, should be invalid. Under their contracts invalid, the company shall refund the initial fee victims.

The large number of sites for the current release "join scam" and the phenomenon of illegal content to let others, according to the relevant provisions of China's "Tort Liability Act", the network service provider to know the network users to use its network service infringes on civil rights, did not take the necessary measures , jointly and severally liable to the network users. Therefore,abercrombie fitch abercrombie usa online store, the release "join scam" website information content of the above if knowing it makes a lot of victims cheated not to take any action, allowing the proliferation of fraudulent information shall bear joint and several liability for civil damages.

In summary, the summer counsel that franchisees can resort to the police or to the public security organs of the people's court, require the company to refund the initial fee,http://bbs.esongjiang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=140708, and may request to join jointly and severally liable publish information on the website. For events that may involve criminal behavior, can be handled according to law after the alarm by public security organs.


Join the contract should be invalid victims

Yesterday, Kuba Technology Development Co.,, Ltd. responsible to pay Quan said in an interview, 22,mulberry small bayswater satchel black mulberry style bags, 23 have come on 3B network alliance with Chongqing activist "network alliance of people" have reached an agreement to terminate the contract and refund.

Paying Springs opinion, the whole affair is just a "contract dispute." May 8, four signed "3B network alliance" cooperation agreement with Kuba Technology Development Co., Ltd. "network alliance of people," no price advantage, slow delivery and other reasons, citing a refund of cooperation retention money. May 12, the company voluntarily fill out an application for more than 10 defenders handled the "terminate the agreement," and withdrew the corresponding payments. Fu Quan said, more than 20 went to Beijing and did not sign a "termination of the contract agreement," the franchisees are "instigated by a small number of people." In the evening of June 17 before leaving Beijing, the company has entered into with their staff a preliminary agreement, still live out of a cash refund. But there are still some people do not come back until after the June 20-21 once again came to Chongqing to find company.

As for the situation to Rong, pay Quan said incomprehensible. He said that with the other defenders difference is that as early as the Chengdu on February 3 to Chongqing, and the company signed a "termination of the contract agreement," February 4, after introduction in the company's food and beverage products tasted after the signing of the catering contract. "She then went back,abercrombie and fitch shops uk, we are committed to intensify efforts to support her." However, from March to June returned to Hubei, she did not find the company, reflecting the problems over food items. "In my opinion, at this time have learned after the restaurant's core technology, catering to the Chengdu project is approved. Just June to see other people in the activist she was involved, so I personally think that we Rong did not get to talk with. "

Chongqing Morning News reporter Lu Yu,http://www.ngbx.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=10412, chief reporter Xiao Qinghua