"Han Dynasty Confucian alcohol

Speaking of being called "eternal words were," the Southern Tang emperor Li Yu, everyone will think of his song "Poppy." AD 975, approaching the Southern Tang Song capital of Nanking, Goyang princess consort with the way south. Southern Tang break, Li Yu and his family into exile to Kaifeng, Henan. Brought slipping through the net of the Southern Tang sent four royal flush.

"A thousand years ago, Li Yu's daughter refuge chose Fuzhou Li Yu is our foreigner public!" Recently, after a group of farmers covered mountains Sakamura holding genealogy came to the newspaper, to reporters brought such a message.

That history is somewhat familiar with the reporters, all of a sudden feel incredible. That year,moncler pas cher homme, the Song capital of the Southern Tang Jinling crowded around 150,000 Southern Tang elite troops annihilated. In this case, to escape with the princess consort can Jinling, breaking besieged settled Fuzhou it? He Kuairong Gaoyang Song for The Princess and the consort in Fuzhou life?

Last July, "Jiangxi Daily" published a story, let us settle the possibility of Southern Tang princess Fuzhou has a new vision. This story said that Jiangxi Anfu County Heritage survey team found that Southern Tang Guang Zhou plum princess and consort epitaph and? Monument in the county melon She Chiling Village Township.

Later, we found some on the Southern Tang Song escaped royal hunting information. Xuancheng Southern Tang Yi Cong Wang Li (Li Yu's brother) and carry small son Tian arrived from Xuancheng Xingan County, Jiangxi Province (now the new dry county) taoxi (ancient Taohuaxi) and Yixing to Deng.

These allow reporters have further Sakamura covered mountains were enthusiastic after the investigation.

Said Li Yu for foreigners public

Fuzhou Cangshan cover after Sakamura town, just next six in Fuzhou, is a rhyme waves old village. The reporter found that no one called after Sakamura for the Southern Tang emperor Li Yu, called him "a foreigner public." I heard reporters to investigate and Southern Tang princess consort thing, 91-year-old patriarch Zhengxiang Wen smiled and said:. "I grew up listening to a lot of foreigners from grandpa there things we recognized this foreigner public poetry, writing articles, is govern the country do not have the heart,moncler soldes, not the result of the country. "

With more than genealogy records

Li Yu daughter settled in Fuzhou

Zhengxiang Wen open genealogy, told reporters:. "Our genealogy remember very clearly, Southern Tang Zheng consort Christine is our body after Sakamoto Jau-Ji Long Feng Zheng's ancestor because we had after Sakamura a hill called Dragon Mountain, so we called Long Feng Zheng. "

Reporters look after the July 1997 Long Feng Zheng revised genealogy, "Preface" Long Feng Zheng describes as Southern Tang princess: "I Long Feng Zheng Rumin ancestor body Christine public calendar exercises had been a Thousands of years ...... I taboo body Christine male ancestor Tang Wei season consort Silver Green Guanglu doctor, to Fujian from Henan Gushi, Hajime , started a family. "

Genealogy specially set up "Southern Tang emperor Li Yu Waizu notation" one, the set: "emperor Li Yu,air jordan pas cher, the beginning of the Ka, the word Shigemitsu, bell hidden, also known as Zhongshan hermit, feng lay ...... Li Yu on. 961 AD succeed to the throne, known as the Southern Tang emperor in AD 975, Song Bin Cao Jinling broken, owned by the Southern Tang and Song. seal Longxi county fair. Taipingxingguo three years (978) July died, aged 42,http://www.lsses.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=273140&fromuid=67280, in bit after fifteen years. "

In this ancestral spectrum "long history" section, the reporter found this record:. "Rumin Christine Wu ancestor public body, Ancestors membership in Gushi, Goyang princess consort for the Southern Tang Wei Silver Green Guanglu doctor B Off-year-old Song Shi Hai Tang, public pro-bear with pepper Room forget Tang Yi, so avoid to Fujian to venture beneath peak vertical integration, today Minguang Delhi is also. descendants multiply,, the World that Yutou Tamai (Osaka future Main Street Village) Zheng, legend has thirty world, count a thousand years. "

In the ancestral spectrum "first world" this section, Gong Zheng body couple also have detailed in mind:. "Body Christine,http://www.ycmsw.cn:9001/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11550, the word worship Him known ancestor was born in Henan Gwangju solid house, Five Epochs ZTE has not years (959) seventh month Japan, died CLASSICS day Saint JiaZi (1024) February 18, ...... with Goyang princess, Yee-hang Shukutoku ...... life seventy-five, a boy one day the women two. Fu Jun buried with the deceased mother Yong Yang Shan turtle head South. "

Subsequently, the reporter found the existing Long Feng Zheng branch ancestral house genealogy and Long Feng Zheng ancestors handwritten excerpts of two original spectrum. Through those yellow sheet found on the south princess consort body Christine Cheng Jau-Ji covered mountains south of asylum records under the Long Mountain and is the same.

These thick genealogy, backward people pass a royal lineage with the Southern Tang family thrive in Fuzhou Fukuyama blessed this piece of history. Then through the reign of terror came through hardships and Fuzhou South princess consort Cheng Kung body,chaussures nike tn, extending thirty generations, descendants now nearly million,http://www.fjdaiyun.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=49052&fromuid=24750, leaving only after the village had more than 1,300 people in Osaka. After the group after Sakamoto village wells, street teams, after all the Cheng family consort, the pool, the group also said the Southern Tang emperor Li Yu half of the people as "foreigners public."

1646, after the Osaka Zheng seventeen generations have an old man with a father and two younger brother to LANGQI life, after settling LANGQI,tn pas cher, multiply into a large family. Qing dynasty, the eighth generation of Osaka Zheng moved to Taiwan in a river Po former top residence. In addition, Long Feng Zheng also scattered at home and abroad and more.

After Osaka Zheng Jie couplets origins

After a lengthy rhyme Sakamura, whether old house or new house are hung with couplets, many couplets or metaphors or straightforward to reveal the history of relations with the Southern Tang Long Feng Zheng, and also recorded the Long Feng Zheng history.

Into the Long Feng Cheng Ancestral Village Osaka, Osaka village head is revealed after a pair of Fuzhou Zheng is covered mountains and the Southern Tang princess consort posterity couplets: "light de don Yi Qi, Zheng Kimisato Mindu" Streamer " ? Yang Shi Ze ", which is to allow children and grandchildren will always remember originated from Zheng Zheng, Zheng capital that is in Henan? yang.

Two pairs of couplets on the ancestral hall pillars, which takes Long Feng Zheng Zheng's origins reveals a clear picture: "Han Dynasty Confucian alcohol, eternal capital elaborated by saying righteousness; Qi, was seeking shelter is known machine." "Yang? Yan camp, north of Gwangju bearing a pulse; through German family, south Min Qiao more years. "

The top temples dedicated to the gods and Princess consort, both sides couplets are:. "South Min Qiao more years,http://bbs.hw5699.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=56934&fromuid=7547, Yi Sun multiply thirty generation"

"Consort House" is still

Princess consort with burial tomb has been destroyed, but the South Tanggao Yang princess consort of residence and still,http://bbs.linyisteel.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=49789&fromuid=7602, the locals still used to call "consort House."

According to Long Mountain consort House was built, although only one, but there is still a sense of Xiongzhi. Some analysts, princess consort built mountain house,http://prawnik.net.pl/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,98/func,view/catid,8/id,1709823/#1709823, and also have built? Meaning of Lookout. Song four raids at that time, if Songbing close consort House will be able to immediately find, then evacuated to Long Mountain. When the Long Mountain is not only easy to hide dense tree Dalin, there are many trails leading to the easy escape.

Originally there were seven into consort House, which was built in the seventh into the Long Mountain hillside, fled to the mountains will be able to open the back door. Currently there are four consort House also into, the pattern is still, there is no more structures,moncler pas cher, but the beam column has been dilapidated house. From the architectural perspective, the year is a simple but yet luxurious big house. It simple,nike air tn requin, there is no place more buildings carved secret agents, for example,moncler pas cher femme,http://bbs.rigourtech.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=399721, there is no foundation stone carving; gate did not pay attention to the drum stones, just put a pair of bluestone system without any decorative door pillow stone; all doors and windows No carved; hall is rammed earth,air max france, but by the stone stairs at the shop. But also pay attention to, such as in all three into the hall QT are carved. These are in line with the princess consort of mind and needed to survive.

There are existing within the consort House some artifacts, such as ancient mill, as well as three-ancient plaque hanging in the hall, "There are political Church", the ancient inscription plaque no. Consort twenty sixth generation descendant Zhengzai Zhen said, pointing to the ancient plaque, hoping archaeological experts can research a plaque which dynasty.

Southern Tang princess only son

Born in the village after the Osaka

Only son Southern Tang princess gave birth in consort House. Zhengtian Ze, word Wynn, Emperor Song Xianping three years (1000) was born in the village after the Osaka covered mountains. According to the "Long Feng Zheng genealogy" contains: Zhengtian Ze "negative his life ambition, loyalty generous generous,moncler pas cher femme, extraordinary ability and insight." CLASSICS treasure first year (1038 - 1040) official delegate Industry Mita Yuanwai. Song Jia? First year (1056) died and was buried in Cangshan Mountain turtle head.

After Sakamoto Long Feng Zheng has been plowing the fields at home, talented men,chaussures tn requin pas cher, culture, education or family, from generation to generation from the Ming Dynasty began almost a discipline, didactic,chaussures tn requin pas cher, Confucianism hall. Even now, there are those who teach in schools of hundreds.

(Source: Fuzhou Evening News reporter Liu Lin / Wen Yong / photo)