
Police believe the debt is difficult to intervene in the dispute; lawyer advised the prosecution to determine the debt as soon as possible

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Wenjie, Fan Chunmiao photography intern reports: March of this year,http://www.yangpan1105.com/houba2/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=182567, Zhang in Guangzhou, a business man working on the grounds, to a total of more than ten people borrowing more than 190 million, and promised to pay the creditors of the daily 0.3% interest. But more than three months later, Zhang not only did not pay back the money within the agreed time,louboutin pas cher, people have disappeared,louboutin homme pas cher, the phone has been turned off. Seeing the situation wrong, creditors hurried alarm,http://www.dfwl.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=128847,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, the police were not only to deal with. In this regard, police said,woolrich outlet, the matter involving debt disputes, police can not intervene,http://bbs.0832auto.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=3510270282, it is recommended to consult the parties, if the negotiation fails, should the court.

Chen said the writer who,abbigliamento peuterey outlet, in August 2012, he was met by a friend Tak Cheong Trading Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou City, the person in charge Gaoyong and become friends. March 20 this year, Zhang in business turnover by borrowing 55,500 yuan to Chen and verbal promises to pay interest of 0.3% per day, "said two or three days also." Zhang had also remembered in the same way to borrow money themselves, and timely repayment of principal and interest, Chen readily agreed, Zhang flew to transfer 50,000 yuan and 5,500 yuan in cash. However,abercrombie france boutique, repay it, since delays.

Chen said Zhang repeatedly to "temporarily repay money, you need to wait a few days" as an excuse to shirk, and he would take the initiative to work his way up to write an IOU, agreed to seven days to pay, if not repay the payment of liquidated gold. As a result, Zhang and stood me up.

In addition to Chen, the lend money to Zhang,http://seminolecountywomen.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=17217, there is another dozen people, "Zhang statistics about us borrow a total of 1.9 million, are now for naught." Even Chen Zhang's wife,nike tn,http://www.ibizstore.com/item/create_form/1, who found , and the other said no way, Zhang's wife also said that he is also Zhang to brush clean.

Police responded

Debt dispute, it is difficult to intervene

July 15 at noon, Chen showed reporters a pile of complaints Gaoyong "fraud" evidence. Including Chen's IOU sign papers stating the number borrow money, interest rates, return date, and other information not repay the consequences of signing date for this year on April 10. As well as last November, Chen and others with messages such as recording Gaoyong, Gaoyong repeatedly SMS reply "I'm desperate", "money" and so on. "Every time I call him, is too busy to call back a little later, or a later date, hung up,peuterey 2013, then simply shut down, the company is also empty, sudden death of me." Chen said with chagrin,abercrombie pas cher, "For the sake of the point of interest led to the loss of so much now, anyhow, really sorry."

Chen said that more than a dozen "creditor" had to call 110,http://0771r.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, I hope the police can help, but the police are not admissible. They also found Tianhe District Public Security Bureau of Economic Crime Investigation Brigade and Jubei police station, and there is no below.

Subsequently, the reporter called the Advisory 110, Wiring police said: "debt dispute, we can not intervene." Also said the two sides can negotiate the debt, if the negotiation fails, then really, only to the court.

Lawyers say

As soon as the prosecution to determine the debt

Yesterday, the reporter called Gaoyong the phone, he said there is no ability to repay its own, but it will pay back the money monthly to "creditors."

Police inadmissible, the person does not pay back the money they dragged it what to do? Reporters consulted on the matter,nike tn 2014, Guangdong Datong Law Office lawyer Zhu Yongping, Zhu Yongping said Chen on the evidence provided, the complaint is insufficient evidence of fraud Zhang, this case falls lending disputes,piumini woolrich, police can not intervene,http://www.150800.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1740892, it is recommended Chen and so take the judicial process rights. "This case should be prosecuted as soon as possible to determine their claims, because personal loans over a year later it had a lawsuit period. If we do not prosecute, the future will be more trouble."

And Chen and others worry that if the judicial process to go, people to borrow money Gaoyong has no assets, the chase does not return money how to do? In this regard, Zhu Yongping said in this matter, there are some creditors own fault,moncler outlet, is usury and credit review of the assets of people to borrow money and borrow money without strict no guarantees,http://www.1555666.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=420&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=1259580, no house mortgage, etc., etc., if later because creditors to recover no fault of their own, then it can only be the fault of the creditor for his "tuition" was.

(Original title: Canton man high interest rates to borrow money from 1.9 million three months after the bait disappeared)